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发布:常州环球雅思英语学校  点击数:  发布时间:2012-9-24 14:32:01

摘要: 第一篇:  内向和外向型人格  有两个小孩,一个对新事物感兴趣,一个对新事物感到害怕。然后说他们大脑的结构(还是分泌物?)是不一样的。有些人长大后保持了他原本的性格,有些人会改变。最后说家长的影响也会改变孩子的性格。从很多方面来说说明小孩子






  extraversion and introversion

  eysenck's theory

  hans eysenck described extraversion-introversion as the degree to which a person is outgoing and interactive with other people. these behavioral differences are presumed to be the result of underlying differences in brain physiology. extroverts seek excitement and social activity in an effort to heighten their arousal level, whereas introverts tend to avoid social situations in an effort to keep such arousal to a minimum. eysenck designated extraversion as one of three major traits in his p-e-n model of personality, which also includes psychoticism and neuroticism.

  eysenck originally suggested that extraversion was a combination of two major tendencies, impulsiveness and sociability. he later added several other more specific traits, namely liveliness, activity level, and excitability. these traits are further linked in his personality hierarchy to even more specific habitual responses, such as partying on the weekend.

  eysenck compared this trait to the four temperaments of ancient medicine, with choleric and sanguine temperaments equating to extraversion, and melancholic and phlegmatic temperaments equating to introversion.

  biological factors

  the relative importance of nature versus environment in determining the level of extraversion is controversial and the focus of many studies. twin studies find a genetic component of 39% to 58%. in terms of the environmental component, the shared family environment appears to be far less important than individual environmental factors that are not shared between siblings.

  eysenck proposed that extraversion was caused by variability in cortical arousal. he hypothesized that introverts are characterized by higher levels of activity than extroverts and so are chronically more cortically aroused than extroverts. the fact that extroverts require more external stimulation than introverts has been interpreted as evidence for this hypothesis. other evidence of the "stimulation" hypothesis is that introverts salivate more than extroverts in response to a drop of lemon juice.

  extraversion has been linked to higher sensitivity of the mesolimbic dopamine system to potentially rewarding stimuli. this in part explains the high levels of positive affect found in extroverts, since they will more intensely feel the excitement of a potential reward. one consequence of this is that extroverts can more easily learn the contingencies for positive reinforcement, since the reward itself is experienced as greater.

  one study found that introverts have more blood flow in the frontal lobes of their brain and the anterior or frontal thalamus, which are areas dealing with internal processing, such as planning and problem solving. extroverts have more blood flow in the anterior cingulate gyrus, temporal lobes, and posterior thalamus, which are involved in sensory and emotional experience. this study and other research indicates that introversion-extraversion is related to individual differences in brain function.









  a comet is an icy small solar system body (sssb) that, when close enough to the sun, displays a visible coma (a thin, fuzzy, temporary atmosphere) and sometimes also a tail. these phenomena are both due to the effects of solar radiation and the solar wind upon the nucleus of the comet. comet nuclei range from a few hundred meters to tens of kilometers across and are composed of loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky particles. comets have been observed since ancient times and have traditionally been considered bad omens.

  comets have a wide range of orbital periods, ranging from a few years to hundreds of thousands of years. short-period comets originate in the kuiper belt, or its associated scattered disc, which lie beyond the orbit of neptune. longer-period comets are thought to originate in the oort cloud, a hypothesized spherical cloud of icy bodies in the outer solar system. long-period comets plunge towards the sun from the oort cloud because of gravitational perturbations caused by either the massive outer planets of the solar system (jupiter, saturn, uranus, and neptune), or passing stars. rare hyperbolic comets pass once through the inner solar system before being thrown out into interstellar space along hyperbolic trajectories.

  comets are distinguished from asteroids by the presence of a coma or a tail. however, extinct comets that have passed close to the sun many times have lost nearly all of their volatile ices and dust and may come to resemble small asteroids. asteroids are thought to have a different origin from comets, having formed inside the orbit of jupiter rather than in the outer solar system. the discovery of main-belt comets and active centaurs has blurred the distinction between asteroids and comets (see asteroid terminology).

  halley's comet or comet halley is the best-known of the short-period comets, and is visible from earth every 75╟76 years. halley is the only short-period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye from earth, and thus the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime.[11] other naked-eye comets may be brighter and more spectacular, but will appear only once in thousands of years.

  halley's returns to the inner solar system have been observed and recorded by astronomers since at least 240 bce. clear records of the comet's appearances were made by chinese, babylonian, and medieval22 european chroniclers, but were not recognized as reappearances of the same object at the time. the comet's periodicity was first determined in 1705 by english astronomer edmond halley, after whom it is now named. halley's comet last appeared in the inner solar system in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.


  nile river





  解析:本篇文章讲解尼罗河地区农业的特点,文章的重点在于理解造成农业发展的原因,类似讲解农业发展原因的文章可以参照tpo阅读文章the origins of agriculture。同时文章给出关于尼罗河和沙漠的比较和对比。以下为对于尼罗河地区农业的特点的介绍。

  nile river

  the greek historian herodotus wrote that "egypt was the gift of the nile". an unending source of sustenance, it provided a crucial role in the development of egyptian civilization. silt deposits from the nile made the surrounding land fertile because the river overflowed its banks annually. the ancient egyptians cultivated and traded wheat, flax, papyrus and other crops around the nile. wheat was a crucial crop in the famine-plagued middle east. this trading system secured egypt's diplomatic relationships with other countries, and contributed to economic stability. far-reaching trade has been carried on along the nile since ancient times. the ishango bone is probably an early tally stick. it has been suggested that this shows prime numbers and multiplication, but this is disputed. in the book how mathematics happened: the first 50,000 years, peter rudman argues that the development of the concept of prime numbers could only have come about after the concept of division, which he dates to after 10,000 bc, with prime numbers probably not being understood until about 500 bc. he also writes that "no attempt has been made to explain why a tally of something should exhibit multiples of two, prime numbers between 10 and 20, and some numbers that are almost multiples of 10." it was discovered along the headwaters of the nile (near lake edward, in northeastern congo) and was carbon-dated to 20,000 bc.

  water buffalo were introduced from asia, and assyrians introduced camels in the 7th century bc. these animals were killed for meat, and were domesticated and used for ploughing—or in the camels' case, carriage. water was vital to both people and livestock. the nile was also a convenient and efficient means of transportation for people and goods. the nile was an important part of ancient egyptian spiritual life. hapy was the god of the annual floods, and both he and the pharaoh were thought to control the flooding. the nile was considered to be a causeway from life to death and the afterlife. the east was thought of as a place of birth and growth, and the west was considered the place of death, as the god ra, the sun, underwent birth, death, and resurrection each day as he crossed the sky.


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