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托福考试听力听写训练营 06-section 1-conversation

发布:常州环球雅思英语学校  点击数:  发布时间:2013-8-9 11:45:49

摘要: 常州环球雅思小编为大家带来托福听写训练营06-section1-conversation,考生可以借鉴参考一下,以下是具体内容:  narrator:listentoaconversationbetweenastudentandanempl
  常州环球雅思小编为大家带来托福听写训练营 06-section 1-conversation,考生可以借鉴参考一下,以下是具体内容:
  narrator :listen to a conversation between a student and an employee in the university's career services office.
  独白 :请听下面一段学生和大学职业服务办公室工作人员之间的对话。
  student :hi, do you have a minute?
  学生 :嗨,你有空吗?
  employee :sure, how can i help you?
  工作人员 :当然。我能帮什么吗?
  student :i have a couple of questions about the career fair next week.
  学生 :我想问几个关于下周招聘会的问题。
  employee :ok, shoot.
  工作人员 :好的,说吧。
  student :um ...well, are seniors the only ones who can go?
  学生 :嗯。。是只有高年级学生能去吗?
  i mean, you know, they are finishing school this year and getting their degrees and everything.
  and, well, it seems like businesses would wanna talk to them and not first year students like me.
  employee :no, no, the career fair is opened to all our students and we encourage anyone who's interested to go check it out.
  工作人员 :不,不,这次招聘会是对所有学生开放的,我们鼓励任何感兴趣的人去看看。
  student :well, that's good to know.
  学生 :恩,这倒是不错。
  employee :you've seen the flyers and posters around campus, i assume.
  工作人员 :我想你已经看到那些学校里的宣传单页和海报了吧。
  student :sure, can't miss them. i mean, they all say where and when the fair is, just not who should attend.
  学生 :当然看到了。我是说,只是写着招聘会在哪儿及什么时间召开,而没说谁应该参加。
  employee :actually they do, but it's in the small print.
  工作人员 :有写啊,只是在附属细则里。
  uh, we should probably make that part easier to reach, shouldn't we?
  i'll make a note of that right now.
  so, do you have any other questions?
  student :yes, actually i do now.
  学生 :恩,我的确有。
  um ...since i'd only be going to familiarize myself with the process, you know, check it out, i was wondering if there is anything you recommend that i do to prepare.
  employee :that's actually a very good question.
  工作人员 :这个问题问得好。
  well, as you know, the career fair is generally an opportunity for local businesses to recruit new employees,
  and for soon-to-be graduates to have interviews with several companies they might be interested in working for.
  now, in your case, even though you wouldn't be looking for employment right now, it still wouldn't hurt for you to prepare much like you would if you were looking for a job.
  student :you mean, like get my resume together and wear a suit?
  学生 :你的意思是说我带上简历,并且穿西装?
  employee :that's a given.
  工作人员 :这只是假设啊。
  i was thinking more along the lines of doing some research.
  the flyers and posters list all the businesses that are sending representatives to the career fair.
  um ...what's your major urge you to have one yet?
  student :well, i haven't declared a major yet,
  学生 :恩,我还没有申请专业呢,
  but i'm strongly considering accounting.
  see, that's part of the reason i wanna go to the fair, to help me decide if that's what i really want to study.
  employee :that's very wise.
  工作人员 :你太机智了。
  well, i suggest that you get on the computer and learn more about the accounting companies in particular that would be attending.
  you can learn a lot about companies from their internet websites.
  then prepare a list of questions.
  student :questions, hmm… so, in a way, i'll be interviewing them?
  学生 :问题,嗯,从某种意义来说,我来面试他们?
  employee :that's one way of looking at it.
  工作人员 :那只是看待的一种方式。
  think about it for a second.
  what do you want to know about working for an accounting firm?
  student :well, there is the job itself, and salary of course, and working conditions,
  学生 :嗯,工作本身,当然还有薪水、工作环境,
  i mean, would i have an office, or would i work in a big room with a zillion other employees, and…and maybe about opportunities for advancement.
  employee :see? those're all important things to know.
  工作人员 :你看吧,这些都是需要了解的重要事情。
  after you do some research, you'll be able to tailor your questions to the particular company you are talking to.
  student :wow, i'm glad i came by here.
  学生 :哇哦,我真的很高兴来这里咨询。
  so, it looks like i've got some work to do.
  employee :and if you plan on attending future career fairs, i recommend you sign up for one of our interview workshops.
  工作人员 :如果你计划参加将来的招聘会,我建议你报名参加我们的一个面试案例分析会。
  student :i'll do that.
  学生 :我会的。

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