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发布:常州环球雅思英语学校  点击数:  发布时间:2013-7-25 10:42:25

摘要: 常州环球雅思小编为大家带来值得特别注意,考生可以借鉴参考一下,以下是具体内容:  1.itmeritsspecialattention.值得特别注意。  2.willtherebearecurrence?会复发吗?  3.don’tbeal
  1. it merits special attention. 值得特别注意。
  2. will there be a recurrence? 会复发吗?
  3. don’t be alarmed. 别慌。
  4. the heckler was out on his ear. 搅局者被轰了出去。
  5. reputation passes by word of mouth. 名声要靠口碑。
  6. the situation is very fluid. 情况充满变数。
  7. more power to you! 再接再厉!
  8. i did it by some sleight of hand. 我耍了点花招。
  9. i’m sorry to subject you to this trouble. 给您添麻烦了。
  10. to our abiding friendship! 我们的友谊地久天长!

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